817 research outputs found

    Maturity model for DevOps

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    Businesses today need to respond to customer needs at unprecedented speed. Driven by this need for speed, many companies are rushing to the DevOps movement. DevOps, the combination of Development and Operations, is a new way of thinking in the software engineering domain that recently received much attention. Since DevOps has recently been introduced as a new term and novel concept, no common understanding of what it means has yet been achieved. Therefore, the definitions of DevOps often are only a part relevant to the concept. When further observing DevOps, it could be seen as a movement, but is still young and not yet formally defined. Also, no adoption models or fine-grained maturity models showing what to consider to adopt DevOps and how to mature it were identified. As a consequence, this research attempted to fill these gaps and consequently brought forward a Systematic Literature Review to identify the determining factors contributing to the implementation of DevOps, including the main capabilities and areas with which it evolves. This resulted in a list of practices per area and capability that was used in the interviews with DevOps practitioners that, with their experience, contributed to define the maturity of those DevOps practices. This combination of factors was used to construct a DevOps maturity model showing the areas and capabilities to be taken into account in the adoption and maturation of DevOps.Hoje em dia, as empresas precisam de responder às necessidades dos clientes a uma velocidade sem precedentes. Impulsionadas por esta necessidade de velocidade, muitas empresas apressam-se para o movimento DevOps. O DevOps, a combinação de Desenvolvimento e Operações, é uma nova maneira de pensar no domínio da engenharia de software que recentemente recebeu muita atenção. Desde que o DevOps foi introduzido como um novo termo e um novo conceito, ainda não foi alcançado um entendimento comum do que significa. Portanto, as definições do DevOps geralmente são apenas uma parte relevante para o conceito. Ao observar o DevOps, o fenómeno aborda questões culturais e técnicas para obter uma produção mais rápida de software, tem um âmbito amplo e pode ser visto como um movimento, mas ainda é jovem e ainda não está formalmente definido. Além disso, não foram identificados modelos de adoção ou modelos de maturidade refinados que mostrem o que considerar para adotar o DevOps e como fazê-lo crescer. Como consequência, esta pesquisa tentou preencher essas lacunas e, consequentemente, apresentou uma Revisão sistemática da literatura para identificar os fatores determinantes que contribuem para a implementação de DevOps, incluindo os principais recursos e áreas com os quais ele evolui. Isto resultou numa lista de práticas por área e por capacidade, que foi utilizado como base nas entrevistas realizadas com peritos em DevOps que, com a sua experiência, ajudaram a atribuir níveis de maturidade a cada prática. Esta combinação de fatores foi usada para construir um modelo de maturidade de DevOps mostrando as áreas e as capacidades a serem levados em consideração na sua adoção e maturação

    Knowledge and Use of PEP and PrEP Among Key Populations Tested in Community Centers in Portugal

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    Background: Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) have been increasingly available in Europe. Due to the high burden of HIV in key populations, these could benefit from their use. In 2016, in Portugal, an open, non-interval, prospective cohort study was established in a network of 26 community-based voluntary HIV/STI counseling and testing centers. Data collected included questions on PEP and PrEP knowledge and use. We aimed to estimate the proportion of PEP and PrEP knowledge and its use among key populations, visiting the centers between 2016 and 2019. Method and results: Individuals who self-identify as being among at least one key population for HIV, men who have sex with men (MSM), people who inject drugs (PWID), sex workers (SW), migrants, and male-to-female transgender individuals (MTF), responded to questions on PEP and PrEP knowledge and use while waiting for their test results between 2016 and 2019 (n = 12,893 for PEP; n = 10,973 for PrEP). Reported knowledge was low in all key populations for both tools: 15.7% of respondents reported knowing about PEP and 10.9% about PrEP over the course of 4 years. PEP was used by 1.8% and PrEP by 0.4% of the respondents, MSM being 88.9% of PrEP users, and 52.8% of PEP users. Multivariate logistic regression showed multiple factors associated with knowing the tools, including age, education, country of birth, gender, year of test, having a reactive HIV test in the same visit, reporting an STI or condomless sex in the last 12 months, and identifying with being MSM or SW. Conclusions: Knowledge and use of PEP and PrEP remain low among key populations in Portugal. The need remains to increase knowledge and use among those at risk for HIV infection.DS was the recipient of PhD Grant PD/BD/128008/2016 from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), co-funded by POCH/FSE. AA was the recipient of PhD Grant 2020.09390.BD co-funded by the FCT and the POCH/FSE Program. Project development and implementation was supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway Grants (EEA Grants), grant identification 00200DT1. Grupo de Activistas em Tratamentos received unrestricted grants from Abbvie, Abbott, Gilead, Janssen and ViiV to support project implementation

    Towards cardiac cell therapy

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    Tese de doutoramento em Biologia (Biologia Molecular), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Ciências, 200

    Follow the leaders: competition in the Brazilian auto financing sector

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    Este estudo busca compreender o padrão competitivo e estratégia das empresas nomercado de financiamento de automóveis brasileiro. Primeiramente, analisamos a fortesegmentação observada neste mercado, determinando nichos de mercado. Em seguida,estimamos funções de reação às mudanças de preços dos concorrentes. Os resultadosindicam que as três maiores empresas do setor têm uma forte influência sobre a definiçãoda taxa de juros dentro de todo o segmento. Esse fenômeno caracteriza a competiçãodo setor como do tipo líder-seguidor, ao invés de competição a la Bertrand, o últimodos quais é frequentemente esperado no setor bancário e demonstra a existência depoder de mercado das empresas líderes.This study seeks to understand the competitive pattern and strategy of the firms inthe Brazilian automobile financing market. First, we analyzed the strong segmentationobserved in this market, determining market niches. We then estimated reaction functionsto price changes. The results indicated that the three largest companies in thesector have a strong influence on interest rate setting within the entire segment. Thisphenomenon characterizes the competition of this sector as the leader-follower type,rather than Bertrand competition, the latter of which is often expected in the bankingsector and it demonstrates the existence of the leading firms’ market power

    Polivalência e especialização: Que modelo para a GNR?

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    Este Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada visa o tema “Polivalência e Especialização, que modelo para a GNR”, tendo como objectivo investigar as consequências que as forças especializadas têm tido no desempenho da missão do Comando Territorial de Lisboa. Para tal, serão abordadas questões como as vantagens e desvantagens da interoperabilidade entre especialistas e generalistas, a adequação da formação e actualização dos militares, a regularização dos efectivos, a adequação da organização operacional e as vantagens e desvantagens de ter ambas as forças sob comando completo. Este trabalho divide-se em duas partes fundamentais: a Teórica, onde é feito um enquadramento histórico legal e discutido o dilema entre polivalência e especializ ação; a Prática, onde é feita a análise dos dados recolhidos através do trabalho de campo e obtidas as conclusões que respondem ao objectivo proposto. A metodologia aplicada baseou-se em revisão bibliográfica, observação directa e entrevistas semidirectivas, sendo elaborada uma análise qualitativa dos resultados obtidos durante a investigação. No final conclui-se que é vantajosa a interoperabilidade entre forças especialistas e generalistas, sendo vital garantir um equilíbrio entre polivalência e especialização, para a GNR continuar a adaptar-se às mudanças da sociedade e servir com profissionalismo, rigor e eficiência a Grei.Abstract This Applied Research Essay’s theme is “Polyvalence and Specialization, which model for the GNR” (GNR is the Portuguese acronym for National Republican Guard) and its main purpose is to investigate the consequences which specialization of the forces has had in the fulfilment of the Lisbon Territorial Command’s mission. In order to achieve that goal, issues such as : the advantages and disadvantages of interoperability between specialists and generalists; the adjustment of training and updating of militaries; the regularization of the effectives; the ad justment of operational organization and the advantages and disadvantages of having both forces under complete command. This essay is divided into two main parts: a theoretical one, in which the historic legal frame is outlined and the problem of polyvalen ce versus specialization is presented; and a practical one, which comprehends an analysis on the data obtained through field work and the conclusions which answer the purpose of this research. The methodology used consisted of bibliographic revision, direct observation and semi-directive interviews. A qualitative analysis of the results obtained during the investigation was also elaborated. The main conclusion reached was that interoperability between specialists and generalists constitutes an advantage, being the guarantee of a balance between polyvalence and specialization vital so that GNR continues to adapt to the changes in society and may serve the population with professionalism, rigour and efficiency

    Obligate intracellular bacteria: Evasion and adaptative tactics shaping the host-pathogen interface

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    Funding Information: Work in IS laboratory was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the COMPETE 2020 - Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation and Portuguese national funds via FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, under project[s] POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029592 (PTDC/SAU-INF/29592/2017) (UNDOHIJACK), UIDB/04539/2020, and UIDP/04539/2020 (CIBB). Work in LJM laboratory has been supported by FCT through grants PTDC/BIA-MIC/28503/2017 (to LJM), UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020 (UCIBIO), and LA/P/0140/2020 (i4HB).publishersversionpublishe

    Portuguese validation of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire short version in youth: Validity, reliability and invariance across gender and age

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    The Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) is a multidimensional measure widely used to access nine cognitive emotion regulation strategies. In this study, we examined the psychometric properties of the CERQ-Short Portuguese version. A sample of 1052 adolescents (aged 10–25 years old, 60.53% females) completed the CERQ-Short form, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale, and the Patient Health Questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analyses showed that the nine latent dimensions of CERQ-Short provided an acceptable fit to the data. Measurement invariance (for gender and three age-groups), reliability and construct validity were adequate. The adaptative strategies were positively associated with higher positive affect, and maladaptive strategies with higher negative affect, symptoms of generalized anxiety and depression. These results suggest that CERQ-Short is a valid and reliable measure for Portuguese-speaking samples. Moreover, CERQ-Short’s length makes it a cost-effective tool for both clinicians and researchers.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio